Economic Equality, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Democracy, State ERAs Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Economic Equality, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Democracy, State ERAs Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Model Policy Agenda for State Equal Rights Amendments

This Model Policy Agenda proposes an actionable roadmap for state and local executives—including governors, mayors, attorneys general, and agency administrators—to make sex equality a reality in their jurisdictions.

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Gender-Based Violence, Federal ERA, Democracy Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Gender-Based Violence, Federal ERA, Democracy Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Op-Ed: Thirty Years After the Violence Against Women Act, the ERA Is Needed to Halt Gender-Based Violence

ERA Project Policy Associate Naomi Young wrote for Ms. Magazine on how the ERA holds the power to transform the underlying power dynamics fueling gender-based violence.

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Democracy, Federal ERA Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Democracy, Federal ERA Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Gender-Based Violence and the ERA

This Q&A explains the background of the U.S. v. Rahimi case, what’s at stake when the constitutional right to possess a gun is used to undermine protections against gender-based violence, and how the final ratification of the ERA could, and should, alter the way the Supreme Court values the importance of comprehensive sex equality.

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Federal ERA, Economic Equality, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Democracy Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Federal ERA, Economic Equality, Racial Justice, Reproductive Rights, Democracy Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

The Sex Equality Gap

This paper details how despite sweeping federal, state, and local laws that prohibit discrimination based on sex, white women have been the primary beneficiaries of sex equality laws, leaving women of color significantly behind.

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Democracy, State ERAs Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Democracy, State ERAs Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

FAQ on the New York State Equality Amendment

Adopted in 1938, the New York State Constitution’s equality protections fall far short of a modern notion of equality that would protect the rights of all New Yorkers. Legislation currently pending in the New York Legislature would update the state’s constitution by prohibiting forms of discrimination that are currently unrecognized by the law.

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Democracy, Federal ERA, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Democracy, Federal ERA, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

The ERA and Abortion

This explainer details how the ERA, which would add an explicit guarantee of sex equality to the United States Constitution, would protect the right to abortion and the full range of reproductive healthcare and is more critically needed now than ever before.

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Federal ERA, Democracy Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Federal ERA, Democracy Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Biden Administration Revises Federal Government Position on Validity of the Equal Rights Amendment

Today the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) released a new opinion on the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). This explainer provides a brief background, and describes the OLC opinion and its significance.

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Democracy, State ERAs, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University Democracy, State ERAs, Reproductive Rights Center for Gender & Sexuality Law Columbia University

Amicus Brief: Allegheny Reproductive Health v. Pennsylvania DHS

The ERA Project submitted an amicus brief to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court explaining why a state ban on public funding for abortion is a form of sex discrimination, in violation of the state’s Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

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